I Have Returned

Aug 08, 2006 22:02

Ladies, I have returned. At last I finally update this forgotten blog and again spill the story of my life upon these pages.

Last week was the third annual mission's trip to Kamiah, ID. I saw a number of people again and we had a great time. Our youth group joined forces with a church from Roseburg whose very new youth pastor is the husband of one of my very best friends. Out team was 38 total because we had a few Native students from the church there join us. I worked with the VBS team, taught one lesson and did crowd control. Also was on kitchen staff with Becky, my friend. We had a great time with another middle aged guy, also from Roseburg. I love cooking so it was great to share that with a friend and serve all the team. We have never eaten such good food on mission trips before because previously we did not have the resources or time to do much more than sandwiches.

As usual, I joined the "quiet van". I get so worn out by noisy people, especially if I am already tired, so I never go in the loud van. We had a good time though, even though we were quiet. The really funny thing about the drive is that I can actually focus on reading during the most beautiful part of the drive, the gorge, but not when we are driving by wheat, and wheat, and wheat. I suppose that is just because I have been through the gorge so many times on the way to Spokane that I know it and don't feel like I am missing anything if I don't look.

I am currently reading War and Peace. Yes, I really am doing it. I am on page 246 and completely addicted. Tolstoy has to be one of the best writers I have ever encounterred. His descriptions are so real, so very well worded, that time and time again I see a character experiencing things so much the way I have. For instance, the description of Rostov nodding off while riding his horse. The way his mind wandered in that near-sleep state was exactly like mine, so as i was reading, I though, "wow, I just did that like, three times yesterday. And the way he described Alexander weeping over the suffering of the wounded reminded me of how I cried too. Maybe I'm quite strange, but when I read things like that I become emotionally connected to the characters and just cannot possibly not continue.

If you have made it through this long post, congratulations, I would not have been hurt if you didn't though, I rambled soooooo long.

One last note. If you haven't already done so, please look at my johari and nohari quizzes. I am really interested in what others see in me

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