Oct 17, 2008 08:47
So I took a look at a lot of my friends yesterday, of the LDS ones. Out of all of the LDS friends I had in high school, the school being 50% LDS... the number of those LDS friends that are still actively LDS... are 4. And I had a LOT of friends. Most of my friends now that are LDS do not practice... about every weekend they're drunk or high... doing pot or some other hard drug... cheating on their boyfriends or fighting with their hubbies... having kids they're not sure whose it is... *sigh*
my hubby says he knows why... cuz of the strictness of the religion growing up and we kind of explode when we're on our own... which I can understand...
...but to that extreme?
I now worry about how to raise my kids without having them "explode" like my sister and I have, or even more extreme like many of my friends.