Jan 25, 2007 10:19
Yes, I'm alive. Shocking? Not so much. I am shocked at how much time I let lapse since the last time I actually updated. There's a lot that's happened, that much of you know anyway, but I'll update anyway for my own references. This is why I hate updating infrequently because you forget a lot of what's happening. I doubt anyone reads this anymore anyway.
So on to the update.
I've looked back and found that I havent even updated about the second party. Back in July. 3 months ago. Well, David was the first one to show up. It was slightly akward, we ran out of things to say because I'm akward like that and am a horrible conversationalist. About 20 minutes later, Quincy showed up, and slowly other people did as well. Only 5 people were there. Most of the people I had talked to told me they were coming on Saturday. It was a lame turn out. But enough people turned up to still have a good time. We ended up making pizza and putting in a movie. About halfway through the movie, David needed to go to pick up his mom from the airport, so I got up to walk him out. As we were about to get into the hallway, he said "hold on a minute," and walked over to Suz (my friend there that had just gotten home from her mission a couple weeks before; she was in the piano studio with me at NAU and in my Trig class my junior year in high school) and said something along the lines of "hey, i'm wanting to go out and be dating a lot more, and was wondering if you're interested and if I can get your number." He's like standing 3 feet away from me. He's definately rubbing salt into the wound. I doubt he really thought it through though. He doesnt do that often. Anyway, Suz looks at me and then him and gives him her number. She knows the story between me and him from before he even left on his mission. She was all aware about how we used to e-mail everyday when I was up at NAU. But she couldnt go on dates anyway. She was leaving for Idaho a few days after that and then she would move back up to NAU. But it's still the whole point of the matter. I havent talked to him or seen him since that night. Crystal has really been rubbin into my face how they hang out all the time (seeing as how he goes to her singles ward and such) and how he's dating all these girls as friends and everything.. she'll talk about how she was on his front lawn at 6:30 in the mornin... it's just freaking annoying. I know it's been 3 months since I've seen him last, and I thought I was over him, but when I'm lonely, I do cry over it. It does hurt still. I"m still bruised. But I'm recovering. Slowly, but I'm recovering.
That was months ago that I wrote that. I forgot it was still a saved draft on here. But yah, that's what happened there.
I'm only taking 15 credits this semester and loving it. I can actually handle it. One of the classes is an intro to law class. BORING. The first class we talked about paralegals and what they did and what they couldnt do. Last class we talked about how judges get elected and the process of getting into law school. It's not good when the teacher says 4 times in the class "oh this isnt for the test, this is just for your general knowledge." The next class we're going to talk about the Bill of Rights. *rolls eyes* whoopee. I thought this class would be really interesting, but it's proven me wrong.
I've decided I want to get my sign language interpreting liscence. I love doing it, I would love to be able to do it for money. The only problem is I would have to take all the classes through Phoenix College, and that's out on Thomas and like 11th Ave or something like that. Way the heck out there. And there's like only one of each class I need and it's offered at the same time as my speed classes in the mornings. Which doesnt work. So I'll have to do what my parents want and wait until I graduate until I can actually do it.
Since the last update I had been dating this guy for a couple of months. About two and a half. I never really got serious with him though because I wasn't sure about my feelings for him being more than a friend, and I was kind of interested in someone else. So things were going really good though and right after the holidays it went opposite. I started feeling more used than appreciated. He would only ask me out when he needed a ride to run an errand, and that doesnt fly with me. So that ended pretty quick.
Mom has surgery today. I know she'll be fine, but I cant go see her at all today, my schedule is too full. It had to be THIS Thursday that I had everything pile up on me. *sigh* and such is life. I'll stop by tomorrow.
Institute is tonight. I'm one of their accompanists. I have to be there a full hour early to go through all the music with the other accompanist and the director and divy up the music. For some reason they like giving me the hardest music and then having me sightread it infront of everyone. It's like NAU all over again. It sure helps with my sightreading skills though. I think musically that's my best talent. And that I play 'deep'. I've heard that's a rare talent as well. *shrug* I had good teachers I guess.
I had a lot of friends meet me at the Alta Mesa park yesterday to just play around. Not many showed up. There were 9 people there total including me, and 2 of them I didn't invite. One was a 35 year old single guy... every time that we are at an outing together he keeps hitting on me. It's REALLY creepy. I just play along and be nice... but it seriously bugs and I dont have the gonads to tell him to shove off. He keeps telling me I'm not naughty enough for him... yet he keeps trying... ??? I'm naughty enough when I want to be, I just dont want to be with HIM. I know what he wants but I dont give it up in one night.
*sigh* men.
Why do I attract the older loser men??? Seriously. I've been on this streak the past year with just... not great guys.
The first was a 29 year old guy that was WAY too physical and asked me on the first date why I wouldnt marry him in knowing him only a month, didn't have a car, had missed two months rent, had no idea what he wanted to be or do as far as a career, not in school, part time job, yet wanted to have 5 kids.
Second was 26, no car, no phone, no job at the moment, but he WAS ok with rent lol. Knew he wanted to be a teacher but wasnt in school for it and wasnt looking to go back to school anytime soon, and just got out of a telemarketing job to work in a preschool. At least it's something.
This guy is 35, car, dont know where he lives and dont care, takes one class on Tues and Thurs at noon, and no idea where he works, no phone.
These guys might be good guys, but I want someone who has a goal and has an idea in mind in what he wants to do, and is willing to go out and get it. I dont care if he lives at home still, I dont care if he has no phone or car cuz he cant afford it, but if he's going to school to get some form of education to get some form of job, then that's cool. I want someone with a FUTURE in mind. And lately... it's just hard to attract guys like that. Heck.. it's hard to attract guys at all. Dang. I attract the ones I dont want, and the ones I do want dont want me. As usual, it's the skinny model type girls. *rolls eyes* no surprise there.
Trevor Cook wrote me from his mission last week and this week. I get the weekly e-mails, but he graced me with two letters, and a group of pictures :D It's so good hearing from him. He's my last of my close friends to be out on a mission. He would be coming home soon if it wasnt for his surgery beforehand.
I've pretty much given up the idea of a mission. Sad isnt it. But I just dont think it's for me. I havent ever gotten an answer saying 'yes Aubrey, it's acceptable to me to go on a mission. It's what you should do', I always get a 'no there's something else there'. Maybe it's just all the school I want to do. Or magically some wonderful guy will come sweep me off my feet. Or just learning and growing I need to do here that I wouldnt get out there. *sigh* But I've accepted it. It's okay.
So this is probably long enough for you guys. Sorry about that. Hopefully you've read all of it cuz you actually care. Wouldnt surprise me if you didnt. As soon as people see long ones they never read it. *shrug* such is human nature.
Hopefully I'll get back into doing this more.