My philosophy of music (rough draft)

Nov 12, 2009 11:33

 On a day to day basis, people are challenged to maintain logical and emotional balance.  We strive to overcome challenges in both our professional and personal lives.  We must also possess patience and understanding for those who struggle with such challenges; show compassion over selfish disregard. 
I would suggest the existence of hierarchal tiers which individually possess precariously balanced binaries in perpetual need of sustenance.  The first tier resides in the self.  Everybody must strive to balance their mind and body above all.  As we move from childhood to adulthood, there must be a certain amount of growth to reach a level of societal desirability.  At the apex of intended growth, assuetude of maintenance reveals potential amelioration beyond the self; another tier of binaries.  Without a balanced vessel through which deeds can be carried out however, experiencing an emotionally and logically productive life is impossible.

There are unique ways through which balance is kept per individual.  Some may exercise to keep their body in prime condition.  An activity such as gymnastics for instance requires the participant to remain strong in body as well as soul.  The two intertwine, each helping the other maintain composure.  If the gymnast slacks in physical training, there comes fourth an inevitable inability to participate.  If the gymnast can’t participate, an emotional collapse can occur.  Similarly, if the gymnast is emotionally strained, the likelihood of consistent training lessens.  One way or the other, the balance is thrown off.  The primary way through which I maintain balance in my life is music.

Music, like all other balancing tools, is endless in its complexity.  The level of difficulty per piece can be separated into two parts: the required technical ability for performance, and the ability to interpret its emotional depth.  One might say that its emotional depth is entirely dependent on the depth of the musician.  Logically then, one might say that persons with great depth can envelope that aspect of music to a higher degree than others.  The catch-22 however, lies in the necessity of balance.  One of significant emotional depth couldn’t even consider performing a piece of great difficulty without intricate technical understanding.  Similarly, one with honed technical ability who lacks any and all emotion would drone on mechanically; defeating the purpose of emotionally touching the listener.  While proficiency in one direction or the other is commendable, the balanced and constant growth of both simultaneously, is sensational.

Skill without purpose is as good as nothing.  Purpose without the required skill is also nothing.  Music is my tool for balance; a metaphorical and literal instrument for successful growth.

I love writing stuff like this.  Would anyone care to elaborate upon some of these thoughts?  I'd be interested in seeing what insight you might all have on the overall purpose of music :-D

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