Mar 10, 2010 13:01
No, I haven't had any sex.
I bought Dragon Age: Origins for myself
& Lisa bought me Little Big Planet (early bday presents HOORAY)
<3 such awesome games
Haven't played LBP much though because ... Dragon Age. Oh my god, Dragon Age. It is so awesome .. if you haven't played it, you must. MUST!
I even have played it without using the internets for help ... ok thats a bit of a lie, I have had to look up a few things (how to harden Alistair -kukuku that sounds dirty- and what gifts to give to who) .. but it was super important. ..... I needed to bed Alistair. 8D See? IMPORTANT!
There is so much sex in the game... it is so goddamn amusing.
Especially Antonio Banderas Elf, every other word out of his mouth is about sex.
and you can go to a brothel and fuck a tranny.
Need to persuade someone into doing something for you? Sex! Want to congratulate someone on defending a village? Sex! Bored? Sex!
I have no idea why this amuses me as much as it does ...
Amazingly, I haven't done the gay/lesbian thing yet... my first character is a female City Elf and I got her involved with Alistair (well she also slept with Zevran ... and a tranny.. and there totally would have been a threesome if I hadn't messed up.. MY CITY ELF IS A SLUT 8D) .... I couldn't help it, he's just so adorable.