Dec 26, 2012 03:09

going crazy
luhan/luhan, pg-13, 254 words
luhan dreams, but sometimes dreams just aren't right.

a/n: I was messing with exo pairing generator few months ago and the prompt 'going crazy' with luhan/luhan as pairing was just perfect. and yes it was right after ceci bts.

going crazy

he thinks he's going crazy.
the dreams are terrifying yet arousing, dark lust flowing through his veins. at the same time he trembles from anxiety and thrills from pleasure. he doesn't remember when this has started, the details of the first dream smudged and blurry.
this whole thing is scary and weird but most of all it's wrong. terribly, obscenely wrong.
but when he falls asleep again and finds himself in the dimly lighted room, air choking, limbs trembling, he can't stop his excitement.
here he is, the source of luhan's madness - sitting at the dark leather couch, pale chest covered by white dress shirt, eyeliner smudged around corners of his eyes. he's smirking - he likes the expression luhan wears.
luhan looks at his own face, his own body situated comfortably on the couch. he doesn't even know when he comes so close to the other (the same?) man, kneeling in front of him.
“i knew you'd come back.” he hears his own voice, low and calm and quiet. soft fingertips touch his cheek and his face is coming closer and luhan fallsfallsfalls

next day, when he looks in the mirror on the set of their ceci photoshoot, he can't fight the surprised gasp. he's in a white dress shirt, with eyeliner smudged around the corners of his eyes and in the back he can see the dimly lighted room and dark leather couch and...

“i'm going crazy” he whispers to himself and he swears his reflection smirks at him with content.

pairing: luhan/luhan, group: exo, pg-13

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