XXIII [Private//Voice]

Jan 07, 2009 23:29

 [-Heavy panting, then snickering-]

Factoring...hectopascal... Regardless, this fits perfectly with... ehehehhe.

Heiral... I think one right in that room is the PERFECT solution.

[Filtered to Medusa]

Somethings come up, and I'm subtracting myself hardcore from the equation.  I'll keep in contact, but unless we want certain someones finding out we have the cheatsheets, better to cut loose NOW.

[Filtered to Kristoph]

You have your chance for a little silver-haired division, I'll let you know when...

[ooc: Yep, this is it. Sho is offically off the Victoria II and AWOL from the Navy. Thank Delita for pushing the final button. Feel free for people to notice he's vanished]

run math-boy run, breaking loose, fucking heiral, taboo, plotplotplot, that bastard edgeworth

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