[Naoto hadn't even considered attempting to call him in this situation, but... she feels it's necessary after she suddenly couldn't feel him over the past week. The PDA comes on as it falls out of her pocket. It's recording the cemetery as she stumbles past a gravemarker, a hand steadying her as she almost falls at a tombstone.]
[There's blue sparks in the air above her as she gasps, near ready to lose her balance. This is much more difficult that she assumed; was Libitina hindering her very soul from coming forth? Could that ghost girl be manipulating her ego against her?]
[... No. No! She's going to accomplish this!]
[The sparks erupt into bluebell flames, what looks like a card in the center. She reaches forward as it falls before her and crushes it. A
ghostly form appears beside her as she falls from the effort, becoming motionless. They float over to the PDA and suddenly, the feed ends.]
(OOC: Can Action or wait until she comes around again.)