Dec 28, 2010 02:05
We just watched Finnish semi-horror movie Sauna. It was artistic, sort of weird, and I think it needs a second watching, but it was good. It was scary, not in this "buuu!" way, but it was oppressively scary. It's giving me the shivers.
A lot has happened in my life, well not that much, but still and I want to share it, I just haven't found the inspiration. I will try later. Now I want to return to my Transformers story. I finally had the time and inspiration to check out some corrections. I need something to distract me from that movie :D
My sister is telling me what people had said in "Dates in the dark" (Finnish version)... Now both of them are laughing like crazy xD I can't but laugh with them. Yes, it's 2 am :D :D :D We are tired :D
my life