I had a great time in Hankasalmi. We played badminton and baseball [American and Finnish version of it] though not with real rules, but anyway. It was fun ^^ [still suffering for some aches caused by playing x)]
fonulyn, Frenchie and I went fishing with
fonulyn's father. That was nice too, though only Frenchie got a fish, a pike, less than 30cm long, but it was a pike!
We also went to sauna and SWIMMING!
fonulyn's mom said the water was about 12 C... Nice and warm... I took a nice, rather long swim, really. The summer is quite officially here now 8D
fonulyn's brother and I played a bit together too, though I kind of sucked, but it was fun... maybe we should've played at the day time when I was more awake than after midnight... I have to practise my playing quite a bit...
I didn't manage to do much for my school work, but I managed to do something and now I have only chemistry presentation and one report to do completely... I still have to work a bit on one report... I just have to figure out what kind of curve I'll put on the picture... *dies* Yeah, and maybe I'll get the horrendous reports back... *sigh*
The trees are getting leaves and it's really pretty, I'll have to post some pictures later on, now I'm too lazy.
Last night I had one of those moments when I hate being a woman... Bloody hormones make me go insane. I just listened Turn the Page by Metallica and my eyes started to flood. [I really can't come up with a better metaphor, I suck...] I guess all the stress about the reports and all the lack of sleep had something to do it with also... Yeah, I really don't enjoy the feeling when I feel like cracking up.
I've been horrendously neglecting my Friends page. I've been reading your stuff mostly, I just haven't got myself commenting. I'm getting really lazy with LiveJournal... But I won't be here more than a week...
Blaah... There's probably gazillion spelling and grammar errors but I'm too lazy to care... Maybe I should start writing in Finnish? It would give you some challenge XD