My bank told me that they sent my new debit card out a few days ago, so it should either get here tomorrow or Monday. Either way it leaves me very antsy- I have two bills that are past due now and have no way to pay them until it arrives.
Worse- when it does come, I have to wait a little while longer to get my new pin number too. I know it's a safety precauton and all, but it really puts a pin in my plans. :(
And even though I'm not spending any of the money yet, I'm already imagining what money I do have left going up in smoke as I now have to pay these bills at the same time I pay my other bills. Yep... that's about $400 right there when you throw in the rent.
And the moral of this story is that bills are sucky and the color yellow is much more alarming when it's all over the page. O_o
Ah well. It's Youtube Friday!
This here... is pretty awesome. I love all of the little details here. Sometimes the pictures move on before you can notice them, but if you watch closely you'll see. Like Stockman's 'BRB' note, and some of the stuff happening in the battles outside the store. Oh, and Leo fighting the bug creature. XD
There isn't any music for the part with Leo and Usagi at the beginning, but it will start up around the :40 mark once they get to the main feature.
Click to view
P.S. LOL- I wanted to use a TMNT icon since I was showing a TMNT vid, but it seems that besides my defauly Cork one, this is the only one I have left. XD