Light It Up!

Dec 27, 2009 19:03

Title : Light It Up!
Pairing : Joshua/Neku
Rating : G
Summary : Things aren’t going well for Neku even after he regained his life after the game. Even if he learnt that friends are as important as his life but it is just too much for him to bear anymore.
Note : Fail attempt at angst.... it ended up 'awwww' ? D: *fails*

“Hey isn’t that the boy who was addicted to drug?” One female student whispered to her gang of friends that were surrounding her. ”No wonder he’s that skinny!” But one of the girls disrupted them before they could continue with the rude rumor.

“Shh! He might hear! Can’t you keep it down?”

Whispers. That was something that Neku was used to. School was horrible after he got back from the Reaper’s Game. He tried to change his way on life, but the only one who could get close to were Shiki, Beat, Rhyme and surprisingly Eri. The others just shut him out of the circle without a reason.

The student in question gathered his books from his current lesson before making his way out of the classroom. Fate must really hate him for separating him from his newly made friends. As he did not have any classes with them, leaving him alone in his class full of students who do not even like him.

Chuckling bitterly to himself, he thought that this must be karma from before. How he treated the others before. It must be the vengeance from his deceased friend, he who invited to hang out, but was killed in the process. Adjusting his headphone’s volume to a higher level, blocking out all the hurtful rumors circling around him endlessly, he proceeded to his school locker up ahead.

Ignoring the writings on his locker’s door, he kept all his text books while taking only those that he needed. Neku sighed in relief that he was free from his upperclassmen today. It was not unusual to find some of the guys standing by his locker, waiting for the quiet boy to arrive and start their mocking. It was bearable when any of his friends was with him, but it was the month of exam, and everyone was pretty much busy with their own work.

Being alone was not strange to him. It only helped him calmed down more. He had always treasured the silent more than anything else even before he was ‘killed’. With his shoulders sagged, he strolled pass the school gate, the guard was kind enough to smile a little at him, but he did not smile in return, only an expressionless glance and a nod.

The breeze was strong and icy as winter was approaching quickly. He did not have his jacket with him as he was on a rush that morning, he hugged himself a little tighter to acquire the little warmth he needed. In his state of unawareness, he did not notice the small footsteps that were closing in on him, until a warm hand grabbed his arm that is.

Wincing from the sudden force from the back, he bit back a small yelp that was about to be emitted out from his voice box. His glare softened when he saw the person who grabbed him was. It was Shiki. With her glasses almost falling off her nose, she must have been running to catch up to him. “… Hey Shiki,” giving his best friend the best manageable smile he could make.

“Sakuraba Neku! Don’t you ‘Hey’ me!” Bickered the brunette who was covered from head to toe in light brown winter coat with mittens and hat. Neku could not get to answer her as another question was shot at him again. “You are freezing! Why do you not have your jacket with you?!” A navy scarf with little grey kitten paws pattern was thrown around the taller teen’s neck.

“I didn’t bring them with me today. And, thanks Shiki,” the now warmer teen gave his friend his gratitude before facing Shiki fully, face to face. “So… anything I can help you with?” Asked the ex-player with a genuine smile on his face, but something else came to his mind that he did not wait for an answer. “Aren’t you busy with study? I don’t want to bother you.”

Neku was truly scared when he saw how his friend’s expression changed from worried to happy, and now angry. He was yanked down when Shiki pulled the scarf down to her eye level. “Don’t you dare run away from me again! I haven’t seen you for a while now!” Changing from the scarf to the boy’s hand, she dragged him towards a warmer place. Neku could not help but follow the lead.


In the end, the two teens stopped by the only café they knew they did be comfortable in. WildKat, the café that was rarely seen with customers and it was still one of Shibuya’s wonder that it could survive in the market for so long.

Hanekoma Sanae or also known as Mr. H, greeted them when they came in from the outside. Scratching his neck a little when saw who were at the door, “Hey Kids. Come on in, get yourself comfortable, I will make some coffee.”

“Come on, Neku, let’s sit there, I got a lot to ask you,” Said the brunette while still dragging the boy to a table around the corner. Neku felt like he was playing the twenty game, except all questions were thrown at him and he did not get to ask anything. Once Shiki was satisfied with the interrogation, she shut up and drank her coffee which was given to them when she was asking the fifth question.

Neku was staring at the coffee and was about to doze off if it wasn’t for sudden declaration from Shiki that she could not stay any longer and needed to get back soon. He only nodded and saw her off from the café before getting back to his sit and stared and stared and stared at nothing particular. “Phones, you looked up you could use some snooze.” Mr. H’s voice startled him making him spilt some of the coffee out from the cup. A sigh can be heard from the older man, pushing the teen to the back room muttering something about sleep and couch.

Thanking the man for lending him the cushion, he passed out quickly from reality and into the world of nightmare.

However, on the other side of the café, Mr. H was talking with a man with pale color hair which most of them were hidden under a baseball cap. He wore a long light blue sleeve dress shirt along with casual blue faded old jeans. Of course no one would know that he was the composer of Shibuya unless one looked really closely. “Hey J, don’t you think that Phones is a little weird today?” The composer of Shibuya snorted at his Producer. It was as clear as the day that the tired look from his Proxy’s face could be seen.

The Composer frowned and looked beyond the door to the back room. Joshua had been spying on his proxy for a while, it was not just today that he’s been like this, Neku’s tiredness had started ever since he came back from the game. He was just that good at hiding his true feelings that no one noticed. But his little façade could not fool the Composer. He knew that his proxy was having nightmare every time he tried to sleep.

Waving his hand a little to Sanae, signaling that he was going in to check on his proxy, closing the door with soft push, he watched the orange haired boy tossed and turned on the narrow space of the couch. Glaring at the invisible objects that were crowding around the lithe body of the proxy, with a flick of his finger tips, he destroyed all the unwanted Noises away from the boy. Even with the Noises eliminated, Neku was still stuck in his world of nightmare.

Pulling the boy up from the couch, Joshua made him leant onto him while he stroked his sweaty bangs away from his face. He could hear clearly that the once bright and vibrant soul he knew inside was dimming at a deadly rate, giving the Composer a warning that, anymore of the torments, the person he knew and loved would no longer be the same.

Joshua smirked while imprinting some calm lullaby inside Neku’s mind to help him sleep off better. He was going to change that if he could help, on one got to mess with his proxy other than him. Giggling to himself when he felt the smaller body snuggled against him. Yes, no one was going to take his amusement away unless he was the one to do it.

Even if the Higher Planes did not like it, like hell that was going to stop Joshua from making his partner’s life better. He did not revive him just to see him suffering again.

*wants the TWEWY casing a stylus* ;A;

fanfiction, twewy

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