New journal

Jul 11, 2004 05:49

Well I have started a new journal. I did not feel like completely redoing my old one so I will just take a fresh start.

Looks like I am probably going to take the next semester off, somewhat. I need to redo one of my physics classes since I was in the hospital for the last quarter of the class. Teacher said I can just take the class again off the books. But since that is the only class I need, and I want to goto Western next, I guess I'll just have do that one class this next semester.

Programming junk is progressing. I've managed to make a reasonably decent memory manager. Next step is to get the indexed vector lists and math library kulged together. I think this will shape up to be a fairly modern physics engine. Havok is probably more robust but mine will do exactly what I want it to.

Bush continues to piss me off. I wish the rapture would hurry up and come so Bush and Ashcroft would leave. The BBC has been reporting that some american spec. forces guys were cought running a secret prison. Probably in an attempt to ferret out Osama and claim the 25 Mill reward. Or they were working for our govt and just got hung out to dry. Not that OUR govt. would ever do such a thing.

I really hope we get someone other than Bush for the next 4 year. Someone who can repair some of the damage to our foreign relations. Kerry unfortunatly is the only choice available.

Lets see if I can update this more than once every 6 months.
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