Aug 04, 2005 10:21
20 years ago I...
1. I was playing with neighborhood kids or something like that.
10 years ago I...
1. I was getting tired of being pregnant.
2. I was living with my mother again and not enjoying it.
3. I was in Seminole, Oklahoma and not enjoying it.
5 years ago I...
1. I was living in Milwaukee, Wisconsin.
2. I was preparing to leave my fulltime job as an assistant teacher.
3. I was recovering from knee surgery.
4. I was preparing to return to college.
3 years ago I...
1. I was getting ready to leave Wisconsin and move to Maryland.
2. I was getting ready to go to Burning Man for the first time.
3. I got a new job that I planned to keep for only 2-3 weeks before moving.
1 year ago I...
1. My relationship world started to fall apart.
2. I got ready to return to college for the second time.
3. Prepared to go to burning man even though the semester would be starting.
4. Prepared to start homeschooling alex.
So far this year I...
1. Pulled through another semester of school, this time making the Dean's List.
2. Decided to fall in love with yet another person, and haven't regretted it since.
3. Spent lots of quality time with my daughter.
Yesterday I...
1. Went to the gym and the grocery store.
2. Had a small dinner party with tasty food that I made.
3. Avoided watching the Monty Python movie that Rob and Chris picked.
Today I...
1. Go to an open interview session on campus, even though I don't really want a job.
2. Head to the library to return some of the 43 books I have out (including alex's).
3. Make another chicken dish for dinner, we've too much chicken thawed.
4. Go swimming.
Tomorrow I will...
1. Enjoy it being friday.
2. Go swimming.
3. Try, again, to have lunch with Chris.
In the next year I will...
1. Continue to do well in school.
2. Focus on my plan for saving money.
3. Have all of my bills paid off.