the american jukebox.

Apr 24, 2005 20:32

Alex, Lauren, Aubrey, Amanda, Maria, Me, Kristen

well shoot. i'm home, back here in pixburgh where it is 100* outside. no, actually i just lied. i wish i wasn't, but get this: IT'S SNOWING. what? yeah. it's almost may, and little white snowflakes are falling everywhere. honestly, i cried. i cried because of the snow, because my mom forgot to tape the OC for me, because i'm home, because of school tomorrow, and because bradley isn't here.

thursday: maria and i woke up around 4:30AM, got everything together, and drove to the school. here, we sat in the auditorium waiting to leave for williamsburg VA. we woke up simone, since we had to wake up, and then we left. there were 6 buses, and bus #2 was the best one. we were all so miserable, but somehow we made it through. we finally got there around 4PM. we all checked in, we asked the people that had joining rooms with us if they could switch with alex, kim, lauren, and aubrey so we could all share the joining rooms. it worked out, and i'm glad it did. after, we ate some dinner, and then we warmed up and sang and practiced for what seemed like forever. then, we stayed up, danced, ate, and slept.

friday: we woke up, went to breakfast, and headed off to colonial williamsburg. it was interesting, a lot of horse poop and people dressed up as colonists. i forget what i did here, because i did so much. oh yeah - one thing i remember is eating in this cute resturant with all 14 of us. (our 8 girls, and then the guys.) i ate a cheeseburger that was too big for my mouth. after leaving the colony, we went back to the hotel. we fell asleep, and then got ready for the adjudication. we did SO well, and we all knew we did once all of our choirs got back to the hotel. we didn't find out until saturday, though. after the adju. we ate dinner, and then we went swimming! this pool was a freaking sauna. you couldn't see the other side of the pool because it was 98* in there. the boys horseplayed, threw me under the water a few times, actually, more then a few times, and my eyeliner and mascara got all over my face and justin and ashley and aubrey had to help me get it all off.

saturday: BUSCH GARDENS. honestly, it was amazing. i can't even explain how much i love my friends, and the countries, and roller coasters, and food. JUST AMAZING. ps. WE WON 1ST PLACE IN ALL THE EVENTS WE COULD HAVE WON.

sunday: drove back home. it was a bitch. for some reason, we sat in all different seats, and it screwed us over, and i sat with aaron on the way back, but it was still fun. (and i hate being a girl, when you're on an 8 and a half hour bus ride, if you know what i mean)

amanda, alex, maria, me, aubrey, kim ♥

so, they made a hole in the wall. "interesting"


ALPENGEIST; i wouldn't ride it, but then my friends made me and i love them for it.



bradleys coming home on thursdayyyyyyyy and i have no voice. i sound like a raptor plus ashlee simpson mixed together. i'll find time for all of you soon, don't worry. i'll comment. but biology is calling.
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