May 03, 2011 22:27
Lets see now, I said I would post what I learned about using the Linux command line. Essentially it is similar to that of DOS in windows but more powerful. A Windows "Power User" is nothing compared to a Linux Power User.
At the moment, I've learned how to move files, make directories, etc. "ls" shows what files are in a directory, which you can move to viewing by using "cd." "mkdir" creates directories, which I should probably mention are the equivalent of folders in windows. "file" shows what type of file the file is. Little confusing huh? That's because Linux does not designate file differences like windows (.blah blah blah, e.g., .exe, .bat, .dll, etc.).
That's it for the quick summary. That was in 2 chapters, and a small blurb on links that is very very confusing at the moment.
On a probably less boring note, I played basketball for the first time in what seems like years. I can tell that I have acquired a lot of rust. My right arm can tell that it was worked out. I need to hit up the bowflex to improve its usefulness.
On a slightly more dour note, I've almost become afraid to fall asleep. It almost always takes about an hour to fall asleep. Its almost like as I replay through the day, I feel disappointed that I haven't done enough. I'm 25, I should have started my career a couple years ago. I want to do math and work with computers. At the moment, I've been told multiple times that I need to teach math. Apparently I have a knack for it. Unless I take education classes, the only way that I can get to making money from teaching math is through Teach For America and the earliest I can get into it would be fall of 2012.
That is all on my mind at the moment. Time to work on some more resumes...