Apr 21, 2010 07:53
first things first, funny thing. i was playing diablo 2 w/ bob when my infamous g/f calls about something. i completely forgot what is was. neways, bob and i were working through nightmare mode and made it to act 2. i had to run to town, while i was talking to my g/f, and i click on the potion seller. my volume was all the way up, just started the conversation with the g/f and the seller says, "How do I know I can trust you?" Bob and i just busted out laughing.
general update...
where to begin, well, i guess it'll be at the start of the year.
Jan, classes begin. computer science 2, mathematical biology, COMAP, topology, intermediate german 2. i had so much momentum going in, working to pass with great grades. 2 weeks in, my physics advisor tells me that i cannot graduate because i am 2 hrs short. he wanted me to drop my intermediate german class to take another physics course and I couldn't b/c i need the german to fill out my general education class. so ASU has to put up w/ my ugly face another semester.
Feb, home tournament is canceled due to bad weather. i think this is the only major point until we start factoring in g/f.
Mar, spring break, g/f bitches at me b/c she thinks that i never include her in my plans when i try to incorporate her into it and her only response is "idk", "i dont' think that will work", "what about the cats?" the week before, she is looking at an apt and offers me to stay w/ her in a 1 bedroom apt, rent free...tempting, but no. not if i'm calling it off in time. more about that later. and i get an offer for a different living arrangement which will provide MUCH more freedom. i've not told her yet...oh well. tests come up, g/f's tests come out. she is flipping apeshit and monkey balls at me and i can't study for my tests, which i end up failing by my standards and she passes hers. very annoying.
April, the month of madness. tests, finals, projects. i'm averaging about 3 hrs of sleep a night. g/f isn't helping matters, if she's awake, i have to be awake b/c its fair. *sorry about the lack of hinting of sarcasm will be marked by a splat from now on.* well, one night, everything boils to a head, we have a fight about me not being sensitive enough. well, jezz, if i'm at every beck and call and actually go, *yeah i'm an idiotic genius, ironic huh* i wonder y i didn't respond, *by the way, when ppl raise their kids, they should teach them about having a back bone* random ranting, i apologize. neways...the thing which really tips it over is that one of the cats jumped up in my lap and blocked her view of the movie, which pisses her off to no end. i yell at her, she yells at me, she holds a knife to her wrist and i call her bluff...which it was. since i was walking w/ a friend, she didn't want to be around me if i'm looking at other girls. seems like everything was going my way, until she started drinking and hyperventilating. i'm still confused as to y we r still going out. but we are. sadly. mostly b/c i was a dumbass and signed a lease w/ her.
y is it that i have so much potential to be a genius, yet i pull really pathetically stupid shit like this? y can't she understand me for who i am? just the other night she was venting/yelling at me about how horribly long her day was, and i mention that i've not eaten and she gets pissy about it and asks "how the fuck does your ADD brain work? i HATE being interrupted." i don't like confrontations and that is all that she is. and she is playing it well. i think what i might do then, is come midjune, move out, and split. make like a cat that doesn't like its owner...hehehe...to a catlover too. idk. still planning...damn i seem a lot like hamlet...lets hope i don't kill myself, or get stabbed with a poisoned sword.
i'll try keeping the lj more up to date.