Dec 05, 2005 16:48
Short Assignment #2 Biology 108
Due date: Wed, Dec. 14th 2005
Your assignment here is to express anything you want about the course
or related material, in any form or medium that you see fit (the one
constraint being that your expression should take a form that can
either be submitted or presented/exhibited to the class). This
assignment is due on the last day of class, Dec 14th. If you would like
to do some sort of presentation, please let me know on the 12th. i can
aloot up to 5 minutes to you on the final day of class, the 14th.
Ideally your work will allow you to examine in greater depth some
concept, phenomenon, system, question, etc. that caught your attention
and interest during the semester.
As a provisionary subscriber to the post-modern deconstructionist view
of art and the academy, your instructor shall be obligated to award
full credit (12.5 points) to all who carry out this assignment with any
modicum of effort and originality.
This of this as an opportunity to have fun with the material. here is a
small list of possibilites for format. Feel free to move beyond this
short story
shadow puppets
video clip narration
performance art
object art
lanimal impressions
computer art
pencil art
Being as blande as I am, I am thinking about writing some sort of
satirical report involving intelligent design. The fun thing will be
that I am not constrained by institutional restrictions and literary
"rules of thumb." I will have absolute freedom of style and such.