General Information
Name: S'rkai T'vshan Saval
Nicknames: Nicknames are illogical.
Age: 29
Gender: Male
Planet of Birth: Vulcan
Rank: Lieutenant
Department: Medical
Specialisation: Cardiothoracic surgery.
Height: 6'1"
Eyes: Blue-gray.
Hair: Shiny, black and worn in the ubiquitous Vulcan bowlcut.
Build: Slender, with some (purely aesthetic) wiry muscle and very straight posture.
Eyesight: Average, though the bright lights in the sickbay strain his eyes, and so he wears tinted contacts.
Hearing: Average for a Vulcan.
Physical Health: Saval keeps himself in good shape, and doesn't believe in the old 'doctors make the worst patients' adage.
General Dexterity: By Vulcan standards, Saval's kind of a klutz. Combat training was not his forte.
Handicaps: No physical ones.
General: Saval is the kind of person who cares too much what people think of him. His sense of self-worth is largely dependent on having people who think he's a confident, charismatic social leader, even when he truly isn't--he'd be happier as a follower. He's an extrovert who hates to be alone, and in his estimation, nothing could be worse than being surrounded by people who don't like or respect him.
It's often said that Vulcans can't lie, but Saval is very good at creatively wording things when he wants to conceal the truth, and insinuating things that might not be completely true so as to make people believe what he wants them to.
Saval has a tendency to be cowardly, because he's often willing to sacrifice morality for the sake of not rocking the boat and not losing peoples' good opinion. Saval would almost always prefer to do the popular thing rather than the right thing. He knows that this is wrong, and he wishes he had the courage to stand up for his principles once in a while, but he usually chickens out. His habit of falling in with bullies and sadists often gets him in over his head, because he's easily pressured, and before he knows it, he'll find himself doing crueler things than he means to and then regretting them once it's too late.
Given positive influences, Saval can be a good person. He's painfully aware of his ingrained tendency to be unkind to others, and he doesn't like it. He makes an effort to avoid pointless cruelty and to stay away from the kind of people who would make it easy for him to slip back into his old habits.
Goals/Dreams: Saval had eventually wanted to become the chief of surgery at a well-respected Shi'Kahr hospital. As this isn't possible anymore, he wants to help found a good hospital on New Vulcan and join the surgical program there.
Quirks/Habits: Saval has an unconscious tendency to subtly adopt the mannerisms of whomever he happens to be hanging around with. He's also secretly rather intrigued by Standard profanity, though of course he wouldn't be caught dead actually using it in front of anyone.
First Impression: Saval seems like your typical Vulcan at first glance--deadpan, expressionless, prone to taking Earth idioms much too literally, and obnoxiously patronizing to all the poor emotional humans who don't understand logic.
Education: Early education--Shi'Kahr Academy
M.D.--Shi'al Medical Institute
Military training -- Starfleet Academy
Parents: Sakar and T'Priadh, both well-respected physicists who were killed in the destruction of Vulcan.
Siblings: A much older half-sister, T'Mari, who may or may not have survived; Saval isn't sure.
Personal History
Friends: Saval has begun to develop a friendship with Gaila, and he finds himself getting along reasonably well with David.
Enemies/Rivals: Anderson. Saval wants to make him cry. He can't stand Zan Elrix, either.
Sexual Preference: Bisexual, leaning towards homosexual, but he considers this illogical.
Past Relationships: T'Paya (wife, 2252-2258, killed in the destruction of Vulcan)
Present Relationships: None.
Planned Relationships: Saval plans to remarry once he returns to the colony.
Other: None.
OOC Information
Player: Anna
Played By: Johnathon Schaech