More... stolen from Mike

Jul 25, 2005 20:43

A is for age: 16... 17 in 12 days
B is for Boyfriend: Mike
C is for career: Equine Veterinarian
D is for dad's name: Doug
E is for essential items to bring to a party: hmm... err... Me?
F is for favorite song at the moment: She's In Love With The Boy - Trisha Yearwood
G is for graduation year: 2007
H is for hometown: Davison
I is for instruments you play: Flute... and no... I never went to band camp
J is for jam or jelly you like: strawberry!
K is for kids: None at the moment
L is for living arrangements: Mom-Stepdad-Me-Sam, Dad-Stepmom-Me-Sam
M is for mom's name: Shannon
N is for name of your best friend(s): Mike, Josh, Jourdan
O is for overnight hospital stays: Only when I was bord
P is for phobia[s]: Bees, Heights, Small spaces
Q is for quote you like: The world is a book and those who don't travel have read but a page
R is for relationship that lasted the longest: almost 5 months (currently in it)
S is for sexual position: I couldn't tell ya
T is for time you wake up: Usually by 9:00am.
U is for unique trait: Unlike most girls... I love hunting and fishing and I have pet snakes
V is for vegetable you love: fresh carrots
W is for worst habit: Biting my nails
X is for x-rays you've had: knees, ankel, back, head, wrist, hand, foot
Y is for yummy food you make: Pudding!
Z is for zodiac sign: Leo all the way!!

First job: Working at the daycare
First screen name: Sprig87
First funeral: Nanie
First pet: Dog
First piercing: lower ear piercing
First tattoo: no thanks... needles scare me
First credit card: none
First kiss: my ex-boyfriend Mike
First enemy: either Jake Reeser or Jon Lawler
First favorite musician: I'm ashamed to say- Billy Ray Cyrus

Last car ride: Back from Karate
Last kiss: Last time I hung out with Mike (saturday)
Last movie watched: Harry Potter and the Sorcheror's Stone
Last beverage drank: Mountain Dew
Last food consumed: Granola Bar
Last phone call: Josh and Jaryn (Josh was at Jaryn's house)
Last time showered: This morning @ 8:15 am
Last CD played: The Exies
Last website visited:

Single or Taken: Taken
Sex: Female
Birthday: 08/07/88
Sign: Leo
Siblings: 1 sister & 2 stepbrothers
Hair color: Brown, Blonde, and Black
Eye color: Green
Shoe size: 9
Height: 5'7"

Right now what are you...
Wearing: Shorts, tanktop, sweatshirt, bra, thong
Drinking: nothing
Thinking about: I try not to make it a habit

How do you:
Wear your hair: whatever mood strikes me... down, ponytail, bun, pigtails
Drive: So-So
Kiss: Good supposedly
Make money: Working at the daycare, babysitting, stuff around the house
Sleep at night : If I have to
Vent: read, walk in the woods, karate, music
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