Sep 26, 2005 12:43
So, Jinah, Monica, Marcos and I were eating and discussing usual. And how hard it is to get a damn job that you WANT. We were all dressed was so funny. Being poor aint fuckin funny, but dressing like a bohemian is.
Its have all these expectations of yourself when you're in school and when you finally get to NYC, thoes things don't go as well as you thought. Especially in dance...there's so many....CRAZY politics that a person doesn't know about until they're involved in whats really going on. Until they actually go to an audition and see the one who SUCKS get called back and they're in the cut group. Its an experience. I'm gonna start going to more auditions actually and just do my thang, I guess. I mean, its not like I don't have the time.......
NYSC is fun.....I like everyone that I work with...I wish they was more of a younger crowd working, but everyone's pretty cool. Working on the weekends is LOW stress and I pretty much talk on the phone all shift. hahahahaha. They have long distance so I call all my friends who don't have local cell phones and yak for an hour or so. Things in that aspect are going well...
Then there is Luis.......hmmmmmmmmm.......we've hung out a few times and its apparent that we both like each other...well, we pretty much told each other that we do like each other, but he has a lot of things that he needs to work out in his life before he gets into any kind of serious relationship and me, I have my plenty o things that I need to workout the verdict is to just go with the flow and take things slow, which has been going well.....but he's so cute.....:oP I dunno, lets hope this can go slow and work out and we won't have to see an oncoming breakup or things lead to a breakup....I really would like SOMETHING long-term to work out for ONCE. I'm not saying I'm ready for anything dead serious now.....I can slowly move into just can't be fast.....uh, we'll see.
Saw Danco on friday.......nice. Loved the show, they're strong, Ahmad is really really good....I don't think I've ever seen him dance...or maybe I did when they were at UB....but its weird to recognize him....I went to high school with him and when I was a freshman, he was a senior and OBVIOUSLY gay....and since I was JUST finding out what gay was and blah blah blah, I had wanted to get to know him but he never talked, oh well. But, he may not have high extension, but the boy CAN DANCE. The thing I like about Danco is that they have so many different types of dancers and bodies and they can all do different things and one may have legs and the other may not, but they can all dance the shit out of stuff. Ahmads stage presence is AWESOME and you can't stop watching, while Gary's presence lies in how gorgeous he is, he's def got the legs. The funniest moment was when Gary danced off stage next to Danielle and I and as he was coming back onstage, out of nowhere, cuz you know how random Danielle is, she leans over into me and she's like "He's GOOOORRRGEOUS!" Her eyes were wide and I started snickering loudly. That str8 sex appeal WERKS wonders.
So, I've been hanging out with Roxy and another friend of hers, Luis a lot and they are fucking hilarious. Luis is a character and he does impressions, which I haven't seen done in forever....but he'll do facial expressions and voices. So, there's this woman that takes Mr. Myer's class every week and she's older, obviously had plastic surgery done and she's DRAMATIC. This one girl hit her in the hand marking a combo and she was giving dramatics...went out to get ice and was just being dramatic.....another funny moment....LMAO....Cliff kicked her in the stomach while marking a combo (obviously she's ALL OVER THE PLACE during class) and she was giving his dramatic dirty looks the rest of the class.....
So, one particular day....she kept looking back at Luis and just staring at him with her bug eyes...she would be in the first group and do the combo and then after she was done she would turn around and look at Luis like "Beat that bitch". So, Luis is here showing us how she was looking at him and Roxy and I are in macdonalds laughing LOUDLY. They're a riot....they're cool tho. Roxy is such a diva, its so funny, but she's chill. Dancers are so different from musical theatre people...REAL dancers...not the ones who don' t really wanna work for it.....
I'm excited for this fall/winter.....I always enjoy NYC in the winter time. I mean, I hate the cold, but the time of year, I just like it....its a cute time for a winter fling. hahaha. But, I'm really feelin Mr. Luis R. So, we'll see how things go. :oP