So I've been trying to write a comic book. Well, I guess 'trying' is too strong a word, I've been kicking around ideas and developing characters in the hope that plot will happen. It's a superhero team story, and so I'm dealing with a number of my own pet peeves about the comic book industry
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As an example - there was a point much earlier in the story where she had a Muslim friend and colleague, but I don't know enough about ordinary muslims to even make an icon. I had a lot of muslim friends in high school, but that was a long time ago. And i could have written her the same as i would have done a white girl, but then what would be the point of making her Muslim? People are a product of their upbringing and a muslim upbringing contains major elements that are different from mine.
I have the 'all my characters are gay guys' worry too. Only most of the gay guys I write are RPs and therefore not intended for publication. Most of my troubles writing gay guys are less to do with gay issues and more to do with keeping them believably male, which i can do if i keep a watch on myself.
Also can you see my shift key needs cleaning...
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