Aug 22, 2010 22:52
Somewhere up there is somebody who is looking down at me, has realised that I don't have a life and has dumped one in my lap, probably to test me. This month has been horrendously busy and shows no signs of letting up yet.
Last week there was the munch, which I described in more detail in the f-locked post a few days ago (sorry, but you don't get to know much about my new hobby unless you actually know me). Then a few days later, my grandfather and stepgrandma came up to visit for a week.
Suffering from Relative Panic*, I Cleaned ALL the Things, and have cooked a meal for five for the first time in my life. I was mildly amazed when nobody called me the next day to report a case of food poisoning or spontaneous gender change or something like that - maybe my cooking is better than I thought, or maybe it was a good idea to cheat and buy a pre-cooked chicken from the supermarket.
Anyway, THEY'VE GONE. Phew.
But today was my stepmother's birthday party, so my brother took me to Nelson for that, and since I am apparently the only sibling without a partner and my stepmother is delightfully easy to wind up I briefly debated telling her I had a girlfriend, or possibly a Slave. I relented, though. Maybe next time. She's quite likely to believe me, and her face will be priceless.
But still I cannot rest. For I am downgrading my bed to a single and selling the double to a friend, who needs it ASAP - so I need to go to Ikea and buy a new mattress, and move the old bed out, and the new one in, and THAT will take all day.
And then out of the blue the pizza delivery guy asked me out, but since I know nothing about this dude besides where he works and the fact that he knows where I live, I'm going to go out for a cup of tea with him before I get in a car with him. But the thing he invited me to is the same weekend as the club night I got invited to last week, so that'll be a busy weekend...
This would be a lot easier to deal with if not for the fact that my neighbour has just aquired a rooster. Does anyone know how you wring a chicken's neck?
* = Hysteria caused by a visit from one's relations, naturally