Questions from coffeewithclio

Aug 26, 2005 14:05

1.What do you want to be when you grow up?
As crazy as it sounds, I’ve always wanted to be a doctor… More specifically, I’ve decided to pursue Anesthesiology. The depths of unconsciousness fascinate me.

2.What is your greatest accomplishment to this point?
My greatest accomplishment has to be making it this long in life alive. I’ve had some serious bouts of depression that has involved knives and guns…
As for more of a real tangible accomplishment, it’s a tie… it’s either got to be the fight to become my High School Drum Major (I know how lame is it that I have to go back to HS?) or landing my job at Kaiser… I’ve always been the youngest in my profession.

3.Do you plan on pursuing sculpture and your artistic abilities as a profession?
I don’t think so… I’d like to sculpt pieces for gifts or special projects say to fit a home, but I don’t want to learn to hate what I love.

4.Recommend a movie to me, please?
Defending your Life. It’s a movie from the 80’s that I absolutely love. I haven’t seen it in a while and it came on HBO recently.

5.Do you have a memorable memory you are willing to share?
Hmmmm… so many to choose from…
I would have to share the time I dated a guy… lol… YES it actually happened!
Ok so I dated this guy named Tam (he’s Vietnamese but it’s still pronounced Tom) back in the day. We dated for 3 months… and that was stretching it out. He asked me out on my 16th birthday to go to Homecoming and gave me a rose. I was so in love with the thought that I finally had a boyfriend and nothing was wrong with me.
So he picked my up at my place (late), had dinner at Woody’s (back when it was on Fulton) and went to the dance. After we took pictures, we entered the cafeteria where the dancing was going on… just as we were looking around for other people we knew, he stepped behind me to avoid the traffic. Well I leaned back to let someone in front of me pass and had my first experience with a penis. First off, I’ve never been the kind of girl to wear dresses on a regular basis, so I could feel EVERYTHING around me and I must have jumped 3 feet when I felt that on the crack of my ass… lol. Needless to say, for the rest of the night we were like two magnets trying to come together. I should have gotten a clue then… lol.
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