(no subject)

Oct 14, 2023 11:13

My dad passed away yesterday. He had taken a pretty bad fall at the Senior Center in Manchester NH and had many complications from that - fractures and injuries and he was in late stage COPD. He was 91 years old and he fought pretty hard but I think he got tired. My brother was dealing with stuff there and we kept trying to figure out if I should go back there to see him. I feel like I had a really good visit with him over the summer so I don't have any regrets about not spending time with him. I had good time with him recently. It's just strange when you lose a parent - I am kind of numb right now and I am sure the feelings will come. Bless my dad - he was a funny man - a beatnik, Silent Gen and an engineer. A good guy. Bless him - I am sure he is having a martini in the afterlife now and listening to some Thelonious Monk. 


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