(no subject)

Jan 16, 2022 16:57

Here is an update - I've lost track of the Snowflake Challenge - I am not sure I will catch back up with that this year. I have a lot going on right now. I will check out the prompts and see if they speak to me. I have kind of lost the thread there. So the future remains uncertain on that - it is feeling like a burden to get back to it so I don't know. I might do the ones I like and leave it at that. I just don't know.

I have been writing my MSV story and have 2049 words right now. Happy with my progress on that and hope to get it done on time. I am trying to keep it simple and straight forward. Hope it cooperates.

I have to have knee surgery on January 24. I have a torn meniscus at the root so my ortho has to repair that. It takes 4 weeks to recover from that so I am trying to prepare for that - stocking the house, cleaning and getting things ready here. It is hard to imagine having limited mobility during that time and I have never used crutches so I don't know how that will go. I have help from friends and neighbors so things should be ok. Think good thoughts for me. I appreciate it.

That is about all I have. Hope all is well with you there. Take good care! Poof, like magic this is cross-posted from - Dreamwidth! Please comment where you prefer.

knee surgery, msv, snowflakechallenge2022

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