(no subject)

Mar 30, 2021 20:34

Watching the Derek Chauvin trial today was very hard. The testimony of the people that were there when George Floyd was killed. One of them was a mixed martial artist and felt powerless. One of them was an EMT and could not help. All of them had to witness George Floyd die that way and call out for his mom as he was dying. It is just all so horrible to hear from their perspective how it was to be there and see what happened to him. I feel like we all need to hear what they have to say and understand it was like to be there. That powerlessness. The fact that they could not do anything against armed Police officers. Our country has a lot of work to do but I feel like people should be watching this trial. It is important.

That is what I came here to say so I will leave it there. Peace. Poof, like magic this is cross-posted from - Dreamwidth! Please comment where you prefer.

derek chauvin, george floyd

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