Quiet Tuesday here...

Mar 23, 2021 19:20

It was a pretty quiet day today. I had the day off - Spring Break and I took today off. I relaxed most of the day and read a lot. Stayed in my pajamas until noon, drank a lot of coffee and basically lazed around. A good day. I did not feel like doing much. I had planned to go through some clothes but ended up not doing that. I found a Law and Order SVU Marathon on TV and had that on in the background. I can always watch that show.

So not much to report. I decided to order sushi for dinner - from this great place in my area. Really good. I checked my finances first and things are ok so I got it. It was delicious and I really enjoyed it. I get the same order of nigiri, edamame and miso soup. Yummy.

No news on the car yet. It is still driving ok so not a rush yet but I will have to do something on it sooner than later. Don't want it to break down. That gets expensive.

Anyhoo. Short entry today and not much to report. Hope all is well with you there. Tomorrow - I am back to work. Blah. Poof, like magic this is cross-posted from - Dreamwidth! Please comment where you prefer.

sushi, vacation

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