One Ring to Rule Them All!

Mar 11, 2021 16:26

So my parents have sent me the One Ring - I am not kidding. They found this on the discard table at Barnes and Noble - discontinued items and they got it for free. My Dad, who has seen all the movies, recognized its worth and so he grabbed it. The precious. Anyways. It is a pretty cool little item. I don't really do collectibles but I don't mind having this. It's cute. I like that it has the Mordor language inscribed on it and it comes in a cute box with a nice interior. The price on the outside of the box was $95.00 so it retailed for a bit of cashola. I would not buy this myself but as a gift that did not cost anything - sure. Kind of like how Frodo got the ring, right? You never know how the ring will come to you! It is a pretty hefty weight and looks like it is gold plated. Not too shabby.

Here are some pictures of it -

Other than that nothing much is happening here. I am working and trying to plan events for next year with no information from campus on what we can do. So that is interesting to try. No one knows anything. I am glad I only have two lectures in the Fall so that is easy to manage. Not too many to wrestle with.

I am glad Biden got the aid package done and signed. People need the help right now. The country is still recovering from the economic impacts of this pandemic. Other countries did a whole lot more than the $2000 direct stimulus that we are doing. I am glad they are keeping the unemployment going too. People need that for sure. Not sure what the Republicans are thinking. Evidently they think people don't need help - they all voted against it - literally all of them. They are all working on voter suppression in the states - I think that is their thing right now - keeping people from voting and making it a lot harder for people to vote. That's their game - don't help people and keep them from voting. I am not making this up. This is what is happening. The voter suppression is coming from the Republicans in the states not the Congressional Republicans but they are all part and part. Same machine.
/end rant

I got myself all worked up there. I go on Saturday for my second dose of the Pfizer vaccine. Very excited about that. Hoping I don't have any side effects from it - the reports are mixed. Some people do and some people don't. Hope I don't. I will let you know how I do.

Anyhoo - that's about it here. Hope you are well - over and out. Poof, like magic this is cross-posted from - Dreamwidth! Please comment where you prefer.

vaccine, lotr, work, biden, republicans

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