This week has really been something

Jan 09, 2021 10:03

So my country is bruised and torn from the week it has had and 2021 is not starting out so great here. I don't know about the rest of the world. Here - not great. We had a few days where we thought it was going to be ok and then wham - insurrection in the Capitol of those maga-heads. I am watching CNN right now - and the people who did it were really not very smart - they went face to the camera and are easily identifiable so they are now being arrested by the Feds. I think they will get a lot of them. They did not wear masks - even with the pandemic - so it was a spreader event - and they were grinning on national TV for the cameras. Not very smart. I think they think they are patriots but we all know that they are terrorists - white supremacists judging from the t-shirts that they were wearing (Camp Auschwitz and other things).

There are calls for Trump to resign from all over. I doubt he will. He is not going to do the right thing here. The other recourse is to remove him with the 25th amendment (for an unfit President) but Pence is refusing to do that. So I think the House will have to impeach him again and I hope they can do it quickly. They need to act fast. They need to make sure he cannot run for office again. He has talked about a 2024 bid so they need to stop that right now. Mitch McConnell is saying it will take time - well he needs to step on it and move quickly. No dragging things around in the Senate. Just do it.

I am still very angry about it. I was shocked when it happened but now I am still pretty angry. It was very upsetting to see our legislature over-run by those people. I am sorry that people got killed in this and feel that Trump is directly responsible for those deaths. He needs to go and then he needs to be prosecuted. I am sure he will try to pardon himself - hope that does not work. Maybe he will resign and ask Pence to pardon him - it could go like that. Who knows. It is a crap shoot right now.

Any bets? Poof, like magic this is cross-posted from - Dreamwidth! Please comment where you prefer.

impeachment, trump, insurrection, politics

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