Jan 04, 2021 19:34
I am really trying not to get all worked up over the evening news. The Trumpists and their BS this week have me on my last nerve. I am sure it will all be fine but it is ridiculous. Trump lost and they are all butt hurt and cannot accept the election. Funny how we had to accept it when he won in 2016 - they told us to get over it. Well it is time for them to get over it. This is how elections work - there is a winner and a loser. Trying to overturn an election threatens our democracy and the Republicans are going too far with this. All of the people trying to do this should lose their seats in Congress - I really think so. The news is calling them the Jim Crow Caucus because they are basically trying to invalidate the black vote here. Sounds about right to me. They are also expecting trouble in Washington, DC that day too - Trump supporters doing crazy shit there too. This is madness. We had free elections and there were no problems with them. They are literally making this stuff up. Anyways. See? I am all worked up.
I had a pretty good day for my last day of vacation - got my food shopping done - did a lot of reading and relaxed around here. It rained most of the day so I did not get my walk in. I will go tomorrow.
Back to work tomorrow - I will deal with that in the morning. I don't think I have any meetings tomorrow so that is good. Just work to do. Blah.
That is all I have. I wish it was Inauguration Day - this transition is for the birds - it is taking far too long. Speed this up!
Hope all is well with you where you are. <3
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