Holiday adjustments here...

Dec 23, 2020 11:07

So in the post-Hanukkah thing - which is really Christmas and New Year's - my family is adjusting to the pandemic scene. We are trying to coordinate a Zoom get together for all of us for Christmas Day so that we can all see each other and hang out for a little bit. This presents a challenge getting my elderly parents with the program but I put my brother in charge of that. He has to set them up with Zoom and a webcam. We will see how this goes. Getting my Mom to even agree to it was the first part - she is very anti-technology so that was something. She is actually excited about the Zoom thing so hopefully we can make this happen.

I finished up work for the year yesterday and am so glad. I know I work from home but I really need a break from things and it is nice not to have to track emails and be on the computer all day. Less stress. Today, on my first day of vacay, I woke up at 5:30 am and could not get back to sleep. Not sure what that was. So I got up and made coffee and put the Yule Log on my TV and just hung out. I have things to do today so I just started the day. I hope I will be able to sleep in some during my break. I guess I am an early riser anyway but it would be nice to sleep in til 7:00 or 8:00.

So I signed up for Slashy Valentine and got my assignment. I don't anticipate any problems but I am waiting for inspiration to hit me on it. Ye newe idea. I would like a nice short story burst to get this done. I even opened MS Word and put a working title in the doc but nothing came to me. So technically I have started. LOL. Wish me luck. I will keep you updated in the usually Slashy manner. Hopefully not too much pain and suffering this time.

I want to wish everyone on my friends list Happy Holidays - I hope you are celebrating safely during this time and keeping healthy. Much love to you! Poof, like magic this is cross-posted from - Dreamwidth! Please comment where you prefer.

zoom, slashy valentine, christmas, work

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