Apr 08, 2020 08:07
Hey all - just another post here from California in the USA. Holding the course here. The news from our part of the world is that the isolation thing works and that we are bending the curve of this thing. Staying home is working for California and it looks like we are not going to exceed our hospital capacity here. That is the good news. We still have to stay home for a while but we can do this. I don't know how long but I am committed to doing this for as long as it takes. I only go out for provisions and that is about it. So that is my jam.
Working from here. We are having a zoom meeting of all our staff of 52 people today so I will see how that goes. I don't mind zoom meetings but they are not the same as in person. We had a meeting yesterday where we discussed returning to work and the adjustments we would have to make for physical distancing and all that. So that was interesting.
I am in good spirits - I keep in touch with family and friends with this app called Marco Polo - it lets you post little videos to each other in an easy format. It is a nice little thing.
I saw the beautiful pink moon last night - it was right outside my window. Gorgeous. Hope all is well with you where you are. Stay home and stay healthy!
A note about John Prine - he died yesterday and he was one of my favorite singer/songwriters. I am really sad that he is gone and that he died from this illness. Rest in peace.
Poof, like magic this is cross-posted from - Dreamwidth!
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john prine