An update?

Mar 31, 2018 08:33

 I don't know how it happened but somehow I got on Donald Trump's campaign email list and he is sending out daily and somewhat desperate emails to his fanbase. It is weird. Seems a little early to be campaigning to his base for 2020. Weird. But the guy is weird. Totally. I am going to stay on this list and see what happens here. I am just curious about the tone of his campaign. I also monitor the White House communications - I have followed that since Obama and now I watch with dread as the Trump White House sends out their crappy stuff. Crazy. Best to know the enemy, eh? I still really miss Obama.

So I am doing well. I am almost through all my events at work and into planning summer vacations. khylea is coming for a visit the end of May and we are going to do local things here. A fun Bay Area vacation. There is a lot to do so that will be no problem in thinking of things to do. Yay! I also am going to Vegas this summer so have that to look forward to.

I need to also see my parents sometime this year so hope to get that trip going. Anyways. That is what is going on with me.

I am adjusting to maintaining here on the weight loss. I still track on the WW app and watch what I am eating. I think I always will do that to keep within an acceptable range of eating. Most people who maintain well do that from what I have seen and I am used to tracking. I really don't want to gain the weight back so I will do what I need to and keep it off. I am allowed to eat more now so that is good. It is a bit easier now. One thing that is easier now is clothes shopping - I am looking for used clothes at the Goodwill and finding things and going to discount places like Nordstrom Rack and consignment stores. Hoping not to pay a lot for clothes that fit. I got a pair of nice jeans at Goodwill yesterday for 4.00! Woot. Gotta love that.

So that is all I have. I am trying to keep active too. I do a few work outs a week and walk on the weekends. And go to yoga when I can. So that is fun.

Anyhoo. Hope all is well with you. Spring is happening here. The weather is getting warmer for now and then it will settle into the cold SF summer.


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weight, trump, family, vacation

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