Very happy birthdays to those with January birthdays (visible) on my flists. I hope you have lovely times on your special days and much happiness in the year ahead.
01: iheartnickcath - *¨❤¨*Lynn*¨❤¨*
02: kittyjewelofsea - ScribbleKitty
02: startigercub - Alma
15: eglantine_br - eglantine_br
16: laurahonest - Lorelei
21: adorablexi - §hå¥
21: narwainwen - narwainwen
21: xcarouselx - xCarouselx
26: sweetkisses13 - Jessica
01: iheartnickcath - iheartnickcath
02: kittyjewelofsea - kittyjewelofsea
06: teaandstars - winter wings
16: laurahonest - laurahonest
24: silver_trails - silver_trails
Poof, like magic this is cross-posted from - Dreamwidth!
Please comment where you prefer.