Wishing very happy birthdays to those with November birthdays (visible) on my flists. Hope you have great times and lots of fun on your special days. Love and light in the year ahead.
On DW:
03: alexcat - alexcat
18: aglarien - aglarien
23: stephmariemarsh - Stephanie Marie in memorium
On LJ:
03: alexcat - Alex
05: maelleconstance - MaelleConstance
10: joyful_molly - Molly Joyful
10: erestor - Master Erestor
12: alequinn_sedai - Trixcy
18: aglarien1 - Aglarien
23: stephmariemarsh - ♥Stephanie♥ in memorium
24: sweethonestgirl - SweetHonestGirl
29: wildrosedragon - Wild Rose Dragon
30: ainisarie - ainisarie
Poof, like magic this is cross-posted from - Dreamwidth!
Please comment where you prefer.