Joe Kennedy III and the new healthcare bill

Mar 16, 2017 16:07

Here is what Joe Kennedy III has to say about the new healthcare bill the Republicans are proposing - I am going to keep an eye on this guy. He is going to be important. For sure. He sent this out over Obama's mailing list but he has been fighting the good fight in Congress. He is in the House of Representatives for Massachusetts.


It is about how we care for the least among us -- not how we treat the powerful.

It calls on us to feed the hungry, clothe the naked, and comfort the sick.

It is kindness. It is grace.

There is no mercy in a system that makes health care a luxury. There is no mercy in a country that turns its back on those that are most in need of protection: the elderly, the poor, the sick, and the suffering.

There is no mercy in a cold shoulder to the mentally ill.

There is no mercy in a policy that takes for granted the sweat, the tears, and the sacrifice that working Americans shed every day so that they might care for their families' basic needs: food, shelter, health, and hope for tomorrow.

So when Speaker Ryan called his repeal bill "an act of mercy" last week, I knew I had to speak out.

It is an act of malice.

We, as Americans, are better than this. Every working family deserves better than this. And when millions of people have their access to health care put on the chopping block, we have to stand up to this.  Poof, like magic this is cross-posted from - Dreamwidth! Please comment where you prefer.

joe kennedy iii, healthcare, politics, ofa

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