Greetings of the Season!

Dec 24, 2016 08:12

Very happy holidays to you and yours this holiday season! I hope that you are having a great time celebrating this season with family and friends.

I am not traveling this year and am staying here in Berkeley to hang with friends. I have the week off between Christmas and New Years and have some projects I would like to get done. I also need to rest off the computer as my shoulder hurts - strain from too much time on the computer and so I am hoping to rest that. I might go get a massage this week and get the kinks worked out.

So I am looking forward to time off, getting things done and relaxed times. Yay!

Merry Christmas
Happy Hanukkah
Happy Kwanzaa
Happy New Year
Happy Solstice

All things combine to make this a great time of year!

Here are some graphics from

Poof, like magic this is cross-posted from - Dreamwidth!
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