I am around...

Nov 06, 2014 21:44

Here and there - hither and yon. Doing this and that. Little of this and that. Uhh.

I had all my work projects finish up in October and so work is easier now. I have all fun stuff to do now - like our holiday party and other easy things. I am keeping my eye out on the job market and edited my resume this week. Things are shifting at work in terms of the leadership so I have to be ready to move if I need to. Best to have it all prepped. I would like to stay at the Uni but I might branch out to other organizations.

Getting ready for the holidays - gobble day and Hanukkah and Christmas. I am staying here on the West Coast. I have visitors coming here so that will be fun -
khylea is coming and we will be going to see The Hobbit - Battle of Five Armies in December and hang out here at Christmas so good times, good times.

Anyhoo. That is it. I should make some graphics but am not motivated to.

I have been reading but not commenting all that much. I do try and read everything though.

Cheers to you!

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holiday, work, graphics

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