Hello, I say

Oct 19, 2013 08:09

So here I am. I have not been posting much because well, I don't know. I thought I would post an update. I am here and have been working away. Doing pretty well at that. The end of the month is very busy as we have a new lecture series, a board meeting, a staff meeting and a bunch of other things going on. Busy busy. I would rather be busy than not.

It seems like time is flying by though and soon it will be holiday time. I have been making my holiday plans and this is what I am doing. I will spend Thanksgiving with friends here in the Bay Area and I am taking the whole week off (yay). We will cook prime rib and all the usual sides and do fun stuff around here. I hope we go to the Tiki Lounge for one of those fruity drinks etc. My friend R from Vegas is coming in and then time will be spend with J. Good times.

Then for Christmas, I am heading East to New Hampshire. I am travelling on Christmas Day as that was the best fare I could get and then I come back on New Year's Eve. I though I should spend some time with my family. My folks are in their 70s and 80s and time with them is precious. I am just really conscious of wanting to spend time with them. Also, it is my brother Dave's 50th birthday. Woot. So we will do something for that. Good times. We also want to have some kind of talk with my folks about how they will manage info their elder years. They are doing well now but what to do when they are not doing so well. I am all about planning.

So Sir Theodore is doing well and accumulating nicknames - his given name is Teddy but I call him Bubba and the latest nickname is Baboo. I keep ordering him cat toys online so he is totally spoiled. Crinkle balls, fuzzy mice -- he gets it all! I really love him. I still have not been able to pick up Boo's ashes but have paid for them (over the phone). I guess I will do that when I can. It just makes me sad. My vet totally understands.

This weekend I am going to see the remake of Stephen King's "Carrie". I cannot remember ever seeing the original with Sissy Spacek so I will need to do that to compare. I do like Stephen King stories so I don't know why I missed that one. Anyways. Looking forward to this one. I like the actress playing Carrie.

That is all I have. Hope all is well with you there. Have a great weekend. We are having glorious weather here. Cheers!

by yueshi at mondlichtung - livejournal.com

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movies, family, holidays, work, gato

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