This is why I pay for insurance...

Dec 26, 2012 16:44

So, last night I had my first little accident. A minor fender bender in the 7-11 parking lot. I backed into a car and grazed them. Honestly, this is the first time anything like this has ever happened to me. The dude was obnoxious but I guess he had a right to be since I hit his car. No damage to my car and very light damage to his car. I dealt with him in a polite manner. It makes no sense to get into it with people, especially on Christmas. I reported it to my insurance and opened a claim and gave the guy the claim number. I don't have to deal with him - this is why I have insurance - so they can deal with him. The agent did not even think my rates would go up since my record was so good. Anyhoo. No big deal. I don't even have to pay anything out, it is all covered.

On to other things - I have taken down my decorations and packed Christmas away. Nothing depresses me more than holiday decorations up after the holiday. Since I am going away for New Year's - I thought I would get that all done. My house looks regular again.

I spent today in my jammies. Totally fun.

I saw Les Mis yesterday and found it amazing - moving and loved it. High Jackman and Ann Hathaway gave transcendental performances - truly. I have never seen this material before so it was all new to me and I found it riveting.

I hope you are all enjoying the week and looking forward to the New Year.

by luna_frost

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car, christmas, movie

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