And I have in installed my winter layout on both journals - LJ and DW. You can see them both on there. The DW has this cool feature where I can have a transparent background and it looks like the entry is clear. Very cool. I am loving that. This is a layout I have previously used and I am using the same layout on both journals. Just easier that way.
I also decorated my Christmas tree today and here it is:
I got some new blingy stars today which will be my new ornaments for this year. I have whole boxes of things I am not using and yet I buy new ornaments. No logic in that but that is how it goes. I was not in the spirit for the holidays but now that I have the tree done, I kind of am. The power was out this morning so I had a moment to decorate.
Went out for brunch today and now I am just hanging out. I meant to nap but forgot to.
So that is it for me. Oh - I saw Red Dawn last night and it did not suck as much as I thought it would. I really enjoyed it and the eye candy factor made it totally worth it. Anyways - that is it for me.
Cheers to you and hope you had a good weekend.
Poof, like magic this is cross-posted from - Dreamwidth!
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