So, I found out yesterday that I did not get moved along in the MIT job search. That is ok as I was not really wanting to move out of California. Sure, the money would have been nice and it was flattering but I am 100% on interviews to resumes submitted so that is pretty good. I am just feeling around and seeing what happens. I really love my job here so that is all good. I have my reclass in process and hopefully more money this way comes. Anyhoo. Thought I would update everyone on that one. My mom was kind of bummed as she would like me on the East Coast. I am thinking I should limit the info flow that way until I have definitive stuff for her. I don't want to get her hopes on things that won't come through.
Spent 2 hours on hold with the travel desk today. Gah. Not efficient. I went to the bathroom with my headset on, made lunch, ate lunch that someone gave me as I was stuck here trying to resolve an issue. Not fun.
It is raining, finally! Love the rain! A good downpour too. Woot!
That is all. This is my mid-week post.
by nienna_weeper at sayclubsandmore!