Here we go!

Feb 19, 2012 10:23

So I was not going to post today and then this tantalizing bit of soccer player popped on my radar. Get a load of Cristiano. Mm boy. He is purty. Hint of buns here but very pretty picture. I hope you will enjoy this one.

*Semi-not safe for work. I still would not*

Love or Hate
Cristiano Ronaldo, Gay Body Blog

In other news...I think I am going to head to the farmer's market today and see what the produce looks like there. I need some veggies this week and should do that. I think things are fresher there etc. Also, I know someone who is a vendor there so am going to stop by their booth to see what they have. That will be fun.

Tonight's movie treat is Nicolas Cage's newest Ghost Rider...he is the cursed flaming skeleton dude and that looks to be entertaining. Kind of camp and it is based on a comic book series so I like those. I still want to see the artist but am more in the mood for this.

Anyhoo. What news from the flist? Feel free to comment with an update. LJ has been quiet this week.

Cheers and hope you are having a good weekend.

Don't forget that the Slashy Valentine's are posted here:
Hope you will find some good reading in the LOTR-Silmarillion fandom!

by yueshi

bunday, slashy valentine, update

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