Technical frustrations and a thank you!

Dec 29, 2011 23:12

Thank you to elflover59 for the beautiful holiday card. That got here today.

I spent hours this afternoon trying to set up Parallels 7 on my new Mac Pro. This software will allow me to set up a windows environment on that machine. I am doing this so I don't have to purchase expensive software for it and so I can run all my graphics designing programs. Anyways...I got stumped on a password and could not get Windows to transfer to the new machine. Buggaboo! I have no idea what that password is or how to change it to one that I do know. I have a call in to my friend who knows such things and will see how I do tomorrow. This gave me a major headache. Argh.

Hope all is well with you. Things are shaping up for new years and the mellow plan. I have an afternoon party here at my house and an evening plan. Unusual for me as I usually don't have anything to do that night and tend to be more contemplative. I have plans on New Years to go out for a buffet lunch too. Yummeh.

I have started reading the original Conan Doyle, Sherlock Holmes stories and those are really good. Those were a recent (and reasonable) purchase at the bookstore.

Hope all is well with you and your day was less frustrating than mine. :)

Cheers and to all a good night!

computer, book, new year's

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