With amazon dollars...
I got myself a Keurig coffee maker. I am super happy with it and it is so easy to use. No more coffee grounds all over the counter...no more fumbling around. No more coffee coordination and kettle. Snap the thing in there and brew the one cup that I need in the morning. Way to brew. Upon the sage counsel of aglarien1 who also has one. It really is a snap and in the morning, I need my coffee to be easy.
Anyhoo. I am still under the weather and tired. Fighting off the plague that is effecting everyone at work. This is the problem with where I work. Large government public building and exposure to all sorts of germs etc. I feel like we keep passing illness back and forth at the office so uggles. Constant headache and aches. I am dragging.
Taking it day by day.
by wildrosedragon