You can webcam via facebook. I had no idea you could do that. I learned that from my niece tonight. That is wicked. She had a teleconference with her best friends from school there...a threeway webcam convo with her buds. I was lucky if I could operate a tape recorder at her age. Technology sure has changed.
I also learned that I am "her cool aunt Jane" *preen* That is what my niece called me on the webcam conference with her kiddo friends. Ain't that a rip? I am "cool". Ha!
Keeping you up to date on all the happenings here in the Eastern part of the USA. I had a great visit with my friend Moe. Got some "merry Xmas to me" things and also some last minute gifts to flesh out the offerings under our tree.
Cheers to all and tomorrow is Christmas Eeeeve. Hootlety day!
by fission at alchemey