I am posting this video of the Lane Bryant plus sized lingerie ad. This is a clear case of size discrim as I find the Victoria Secret ads JUST as racey as this and they are on prime time network TV. Screw ABC. This girl is gorgeous. Get a grip folks...we are not a country of skinny people. Let's get real. I would love to look like her.
Click to view
In other news:
-Tonight is Jamie Oliver. I am watching! Hope you are too. Here is a link to his petition:
http://www.jamieoliver.com/campaigns/jamies-food-revolution/petition?usa=1He is at 463,060 signatures. Pay it forward and pass it on. This is a good thing. It is the last night of the series.
-My event was a total win. We had 100% attendance and everything was great. I had a fabulous time in LA with my brother and his wife and I have pics to share but I left my iphone cord in LA so I will post them when I get that back.
-Work is killing me this month and I have another event next week. Ak. It is my favorite program so I do love it.
Hope everyone is well and I have been reading but I have not had much time to comment. I will update my RPGs this weekend. I promise. I wills!
A custom image from darlinn