Weekend Update...

Aug 08, 2009 12:02

So, in a strange turn of events, I decide to do a Saturday post. Buns will be posted tomorrow but I am in the mood for a little update.

Yesterday, at work, we had our Summer Pool Party and BBQ at *** Canyon and Rec Center, a Uni facility. It was all sorts of awesome. It was part potluck and part subsidized by our department. Our biz ofc person made the very helpful suggestion of having the food delivered by Safeway and that was a total bonus. The delivery truck brought it right up to the site and we did not have to schlepp the food all over town and worry about refrigerators and what not. It was GREAT. I was jumping for joy when the truck got there and the delivery dude thought I was a bit goofy. I was very happy. :P The party was very good. We borrowed this ginormous grill from the RSF and a few tables and that was all she wrote. Everything was set up and the staff arrived. I had some dicey moments when I thought the burgers were going to run out but it turned out I had 2 extra packages of those (8 extras) and the hot dogs all got eaten. I had extra veggie burgers too. It all worked out and I managed to give away all the extras and send the desserts and chips back to the staff who had to work. Yays!

We have big news brewing on the home front here. It looks like our landlord is selling our house. My neighbor B*** and I are trying to rally the other tenants and see if we can put together a tenants in common purchase of the property. If we all work this out together it is a very affordable way for us to get a prime piece of Berkeley real estate. I contacted the landlord and he is amenable. Just have to see if the others who live here would go for it. Then all the complications of making that deal begin. I am tired of all the insecurities of new landlords and the threat of losing my housing sooo...will see if this works. My piece of the pie is very affordable and my mortgage payments would be less than my current rent. bonus.

So that is all I have. I am off on Monday..START day and thinking of going into North Beach, SF. Tonight we might go see the Adam Sandler flick Funny People.

I am good and just thinking about all the possibilities of condo ownership. Would be great!

Cheers all and have a great weekend.

by izabeth

weekend, housing, event planning

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