St. Patrick's Day Special: Erin Go Buns...

Mar 15, 2009 09:00

Today's Bunday has a St. Patrick's day influence to it. You will notice the green background and that our model has a tattoo of a shamrock on his shoulder. So Happy St. Patrick's Day. We aim to please here...

I think this set of shots was from an underwear commercial and hummena. I especially like his tan line. Woo. Sets it off nicely. Woo.


Not safe for work!!!

David August

We Love Guys

David August

We Love Guys

My world
Work is all consuming. I work full out all week all day. I might throw a plurk or two in there while I work, but in general I am very focused on my job right now. I am working on my job description for promotion to analyst which is harder than it seems and I am going to enlist the help of my sister in law...who is a great wordsmith and see what she thinks of that. I will also then map it to the job mapping site they have for the Uni. I want to get the job classification that I deserve here not what they want to give me.

This week I have two major things happening: lunch program for the Dean and my awards program committee meeting happening. Never stops really.

I am very excited about my weight situation. I have dropped about 4 jeans sizes and I got into my skinny jeans this week. Not telling what sizes as I am still above what I truly want to be but I am so much closer to goal. I think it is the daily walking (40 minutes both ways to work), less fat eating and sensible portions. I am finding this very easy to do and it feels like I have made the lifestyle change. I now do this as a matter of course. I am cooking more and eating better. I don't deprive myself and I like what I am eating. Last night's dinner was chateau briand so...not doing too badly.

I think I will get some work done and then do some tidying here and get my food for the week at the store. I want to go look at plants and then rest up my shoulder. That is still bothering me and I cannot afford chiro this month really. So have to rest it up.

Cheers to all and hope you are having a good weekend.

by nienna_weeper

weight, bunday, update, work

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